Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Rock Band price finally announced

The price and kit and release date and all that gubbins has been announced for Rock Band.

This is all American prices and dates so i'll translate it to UK below. It's coming out on Nov 23rd, you get a WIRED guitar, a mic and the drum kit and it costs $170.

UK Translation:
It'll come out summer 2008, you'll get the same shit as above and it'll cost £170.

Hang on, where's the bloody bass? Do you have to get another normal guitar so you can have the bass in as well, that's a bit shit isn't it? So that's going to push up the price another fiddy squid.

Annoyingly enough the PS3 version is coming out at the same time and their guitars are wireless, so as you can imagine both the sony fanboys are gonna be gloating about this little detail.

The 360 wireless will come out at a later date which is as annoying as buying the box set of Spaced then they bring out the 3-disk version a month later that you have to get as well coz you feel like you're missing out.

Guess that's Microsoft: 3,229,637, Sony: 1, and you know we'll never hear the fucking end of it.

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