Friday 12 October 2007

EA sucks really big balls

Couldn't get onto bloody skate multiplayer last which was bloody annoying to say the least. Wouldn't pit me up with anyone on a quick ranked match and messed up when i tried to do a custom match.

Then i didn't have anything else to play, so i sat staring at my list of games, couldn't see a single thing that popped out to me so watched Bionic Woman instead.


Anonymous said... her off of Eastenders any good as the new Jamie Summers?
I just can't see it.
shouting, "KAAAT, You slaaaaaaag!!" while being all bionic 'n that...

Anonymous said...

you watched me?
in the shower?
now i feel dirty.
and yet clean.
all at once.

Jimbeeer said...

actually it's a lot better than i thought it would have been. First ep's a load of crap but it's just getting better and better as it goes on. And you can't fault her american accent, it truly is bang on!