Tuesday, 13 November 2007

What a wasted opportunity

The more I play Smackdown vs Raw 2008 the more i see a wasted opportunity that i'm very surprised they haven't done yet.

Where's all the trash talking you can do? You can invade someone elses fight but it would be cool to get the mic and call your rivals out from the main stage. Or trash talking to the audience where you have to whip them up into a frenzy, then your opponent could come legging it down the ramp and you could have an impromptu fight right there and then with no rules. Or ambushing your opponent on the way to the ring.

There's so much here that i'm so amazed they haven't even attempted anything like it. It's not like they can't put it in the next version. Christ, a new one comes out every 6 months.

Nevertheless, still a great game, but it could just be so much more.

And how the hell do i turn off entrance movies, the damn things take so long to load and they get very tiresome very quickly.


Anonymous said...

should be able to turn off entrances movies in either the main settings bit or in the pre-fight options sha-bang...
Of course, I'm basing this on all previous versions of Smackdown...as I've not seen 08 yet.

I agree with you as to all the things that they've missed out.
And have another for the list.
Why can't you use a track from your Hard drive for your entrance music? That would be cracking.
Well...it would be for someone like me who spends hours building me own rasslers

Jimbeeer said...

Oh, you can now. Possibly should have mentioned.

You can now come down to Use Once. If you so desire...