Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Wii - it's great and shit at the same time

I got a Wii on the date it came out, first console i've ever bought from day 1 and initially i was like everyone, it was so cool with the pointer and motion sensor and whatnot but 8 months on and what's it like now?

Well, a bit rubbish actually. The gfx are already incredibly dated compared to the pc and xbox, the controllers aren't precise enough to play the games you REALLY want to play (let's face it, we all just want to swing a light saber around) and worst of all, the games have been piss poor at best.

They haven't had their defining game yet and 8 months in, that's a load of bollocks. Zelda was good, but it's just an updated gamecube game. Mario Strikers Charged was speedball 2 but not as good. Rayman? Good in short bursts but nothing special.

Having a quick look at the top few games on ign:

Resident Evil 4: great but a 3 year old game
Super Paper Mario: Update of N64 game, yawn...
Mario Strikers Charged: see above
Madden NFL: Who gives a shit about American Football other than yanks
Scarface: Loved this game until i died near the end of the first main mission, then IT PUT ME ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MISSION! I can't tell you how much this pisses me off, so i turned it off in disgust and wiped the disk on some sandpaper to be sure i wouldn't make the mistake of playing it again.

Even the upcoming games don't fill me full of excitement.

Mario Galaxy: Great, just what the world needs, ANOTHER Mario game that plays exactly the same as Mario 64 and is fun at the beginning but just gets too fucking hard and frustrating later on, which is when most people turn it off and don't play it again.

Super Smash Brawl: The 3rd version of the fighting games that plays exactly the same as the first one did on the N64

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: You just know that is going to suck the sweat off a dead man's balls

And that's it. There's nothing else coming out, certainly nothing ground-breaking and original. For crying out loud nintendo, you've got everyone and their dog owning your console, isn't it a good idea to make some decent games now?

And while i remember, it's really hard to smoke a fag while you're holding the controllers, with a normal controller it's a piece of piss, you can even drive with one hand while you smoke and drink with the other if you're really good (Like me, hah!)


Chad "The Hat" McVitie said...

Hello there mr jim beer dude

I work with your bands singer, in case you're wondering.

Anyhoo... totally agree about your Wii comments. Mario Strikers - was expecting much more from this. But, lets be honest, its crap. All I use my Wii for now is bowling.

As for buying a console on day 1... I got my Wii a few months after launch. But I did get my 360 on launch day. and the fucker has just given up the ghost and gives the old three red lights. bastard. And microsoft are fecking useless... first phone call, the lady is all nice and helpful. I get an email with a UPS label to print and stick on box when i return it. I read the small print and it had my old address on. so I phone them again. get a rude american wanker on the line. after being rude for 5 minutes he tells me to ignore my previous emails and ref no and gives me a new ref no and says i'll recieve a new email witha new label. that was monday. wheres my email microsoft?? you bummers.

Anyway, i'm ranting. Nice blog. Keep up the good work, and check out my blog if you want to hear about what DC gets up to at work ;-)



Chad "The Hat" McVitie said...

hmm but my profile isnt visible, so you can't find my blog.
try http://chadspants.blogspot.com