Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Defender of the PS3 - Yep, there's one out there!

Now this is piss funny, thanks to drunkenmonkey for pointing this out. This is some tossers review of Bioshock. Did i mention that he's a tosser and his review is tossy? I'd suggest signing up to his site just to give him abuse (www.sonydefenseforce.com)

Here's his pisspot review, look for the sly dig at the 360 vs PS3, it's subtle but you might spot it if you're good:

After many months of anticipation I finally got my copy of Bioshock and played through it over the past few days. There are many things to like about Bioshock such as the graphics (not animation), parts of the story and the water effects. That’s about where the good stuff ends.

First let me say how excited I was for the game after playing the demo on the 360. While the animation seemed stiff and you could tell the 360 was being pushed too hard it still looked like it had a lot of potential. So imagine my disappointment when I got the final version only to find none of the animation hitches, shooting glitches and AI was cleaned up. I also wonder how much better the graphics would’ve been had they not been compressed to fit on a DVD. Now I do not fault the developers for this, they only had so much system power to work with so maybe this will all be addressed with the PS3 version when it comes out.

To conclude, let this game cook in the oven just a little bit longer and wait for the superior PS3 version. Cleaned up textures, animations, AI, extra weapons, Home space, standard HDD and Blu-ray will make this flawed game into a perfect gem.


Anonymous said...

Jimbo this is so amusing. i think i might go home and write a poem about it and then get danny to sing / shout it at our next gig. whatcha think?

Jimbeeer said...

that's a cracking idea, and very pop-culturey!