Monday, 20 August 2007

Rapture - A Nice Place to Live

BTW, Bioshock is a hell of a good game. Most enjoyable. Not finished it but i don't think i'm far away.

Little tip: Play it on Medium, Easy is just TOO easy and you won't die at all but Medium presents just enough of a challenge for you to have to think what to do, arrange your plasmids to best tackle the situation. And those big daddies are big HARD mofos. Especially the ones that charges you, Rosies i think they're called. But you just gotta get that sweet, sweet adam from the little sisters so you've got no choice other than to pound them with everything you have.

Play it, you'll love it.


Chad "The Hat" McVitie said...

"sweet, sweet adam"

you mean me?
im not that sweet.

Anonymous said...

oooh..I beg to differ, darling.

Anonymous said...

Jimbob...check this "review" of Bioshock will fill your pants with piss, I'm sure...

PS3 fanboys are bent. I'm surprised that Martine isn't one.

Anonymous said...

wanna see MY rubber snake?