Monday, 20 August 2007

360 drops in price, a whole £30!

Woo, the 360 has dropped in price; £30. Break out the fucking fireworks.

The prices are now:
Elite: £299.99
Premium: £249.99
Core: £179.99

But here's the real kicker, if you want to get the 120gb drive for the premium, which virtually everyone reading this would want, it'll cost you £130!


So there's 50 squid difference between the premium and elite, but to finally get a decent HD it'll cost £130? May i be the first to say; 'Fucking rip-off!'. What a sodding gyp.

Everyone will admit that 20gb is bollocks these days, you can get a normal 20gb HDD for about a tenner and 120gb HDD costs (just checking on Misco...) a whopping £31 including VAT. Even a 2.5" HDD only costs £47 (those go into laptops in case you didn't know). So how the hell can Microsoft justify charging £130 for the same thing?

Answer: Because they can!

The key word here is propriatory. Say it with me: Pro-pri-a-tory. It's a simple but sinister word that makes you spend more than you should be doing; every single time.

You just make the peripherals proprietary and then charge whatever the hell you want for them! They house the HDD in that stupid flat thingy that sits on top of the console so you can't use your own, bingo, they charge you whatever the fuck they like.

Pisses me right off, it really does. What's wrong with making a connection for an external hard drive, so you can plug in whatever hard drive you like? Because then they wouldn't be able to charge you £130 for something that isn't worth above £50.

Failing that, give me the ability to backup my information on my 360 to my PC: Movies, Demos, Save games, etc. Really, how difficult would that actually be, they're networked and Media Center works perfectly so it's clear they can communicate. Christ the operating system is made by the same damn company.

At least the Wii went the right way allowing you backup saves onto an SD Card.

The worst thing is, everyone will pay it coz they simply have no choice..

This is another aspect where the PC wins hands down, no-one owns it so there's always masses of competition on hardware, consequently it keeps the prices down.

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