Monday, 17 September 2007

PS3 goods and bads.

I guess i'm not giving the PS3 a chance here so i'm going to try and name the goods and bads for the console in an objective way as possible. I'll start with the bads first coz it's a little easier to do (oops, sorry, sorry, didn't mean that).

  • It's too pricey.
  • Every game that's come out on multiple consoles has been better on the 360 for one reason or another.
  • It's too chunky.
  • There's no decent games out on it yet.
  • The price.
  • No one cares about Blu-Ray.
  • The cases look rubbish.
  • It costs too much.
  • It's a laughing stock.
  • You can't copy the games coz Blu-Ray disks cost like £15 each or something.
  • It's too expensive.
  • Um
  • Errr.....
  • Hang on, i'll think of one
  • Erm
  • You already know where the buttons are on the controller.
  • Err...
  • That's all i can think of.


Jimbeeer said...

"At least the PS3 doesn't sound like a dyson at full pelt then start blinking it's red eye of death like KITT on crack (360), and it isn't a one-trick pony waggly-stick shitty graphics kids toy (Wii)".

Wouldn't actually know. Don't own one, or even seen one running in any shops. But let's face it, it's very fashionable to slag off the PS3 coz it's a big black pile of horse-shit. With flies around it. And a golf ball in the middle.

you should join the sony defence force. That'll bring the actual number of people who've joined to site to support the PS3 to 2 rather than everyone else who just join the site to flame the creator.

Makes a very entertaining lunchtime read though i have to physically stop myself from laughing out loud.

You're a pacman.

And a pie-chart.

Anonymous said...

"That'll bring the actual number of people who've joined to site to support the PS3 to 2 rather than everyone else who just join the site to flame the creator."

So that'll bring the total number of people who have joined/viewed the site up to... 4 - including you :)

I merely jest Jim. Dylan said it would be fun to post a few slaggy comments every now and again, to get a bit of banter going, and it is. It's also a good read, keep it up.

Glad to see you haven't been sucked into the 'Halo 3 is the greatest thing ever' storm. I played Halo once, on the PC, and was completely underwhelmed by it. I uninstalled it and never bothered with it again.

Next time you're over at Dylans, we'll have to settle the 360 vs PS3 debate on the bowling alley. The 2 times I've bowled with you before, I was shite. Unfortunately, I'm not much better now...