Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Go on then. Let the piss taking commence

Yeah yeah, come on then, all of you pussies. Give it to me.

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a kids game and basically it looks like a complete load of hand shandy.

I can't even be bothered finding a decent video of it, this probably has gameplay footage but i haven't really watched it all the way through so it could be that video of that monkey sniffing his finger for all I know. All i know is it's going to be shite.

But let's face it. What other super-hero game has been good?

Superman: on N64, worst game ever made, ever
Batman: Arcade games were ok, shite ever since
Wolverine: Ha! 2 hits and you die, so much for the gay healing factor.
Spider-Man 2: Fucking rocked. Best game ever made in the history of games. Nothing else comes close. Not even a sniff. No it doesn't.
Hulk: Um, yeah ok, that was really good, but that's about it.

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