Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Halo 3 fever pitch

Apparently everyone's going ape-shit over Halo 3 coz it's out on wednesday. Personally i couldn't give too shites about it but i guess i may as well get it to see what people are masturbating over.

Radio 1 has had this big hoo-hah over it this lunchtime and all the magazines are doing 20 page articles describing how ball-achingly brilliant it is.

I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

What has Halo got that Unreal Tournament hasn't?

UT is the grandaddy of it all (Well Doom is, strictly speaking, but that paved the way for UT multiplayer).

You should try out UT 2004, it's the mutts nuts if you like Halo and it's a hell of a lot better. Also UT 3 is coming out tres soon and that looks DAMN good.

Well i'm quite sure anyway coz i only really played the first Halo, the second kinda passed me by. But, hey, why let a little thing like lack of facts deter me from making my usual heavy-handed opinions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean to say that you haven't spent £70 and pre-ordered 'Halo 3: Legendary Edition', including the super-duper replica Master Chief helmet that's too small to fit on anyone's head!

Shame on you Jim... :)